Company Name

Modern Land (China) Co.,Limited.

Principal Place of Business and Headquarters in China

No.1, Xiangheyuan Road

Dongcheng District


PRC 100028

Registered Office

Hutchins Drive, Cricket Square

P.O. Box 2804

Grand Cayman KY1-1111

Cayman Islands

Company Website

Place of Business in Hong Kong

18/F, Shanghai Commercial Bank Tower, 12 Queen's Road Central, Central, Hong Kong

Company Secretary

Mr. Leung Pak Keung

Authorized Representative

Mr. Zhang Peng and Mr. Leung Pak Keung

Audit Committee

Mr. Hui Chun Ho, Eric (Chairman), Mr. Cui Jian and Mr. Gao Zhikai

Remuneration Committee

Mr. Gao Zhikai (Chairman), Mr. Cui Jian and Mr. Zhang Lei

Nomination Committee

Mr. Cui Jian (Chairman), Mr. Hui Chun Ho, Eric,Mr. Zhang Lei and Mr. Gao Zhikai

Environmental, Social and Governance Committee

Mr. Zhang Peng (Chairman), Mr. Cui Jian, Mr. Hui Chun Ho, Eric and Mr. Gao Zhikai

Principal Share Registrar and Transfer Office in the Cayman Islands

Suntera (Cayman) Limited

Securities Registrar in Hong Kong

Tricor Investor Services Limited

Principal Bankers

Bank of China/ Industrial and Commercial Bank of China/ 

China Merchants Bank/ Hang Seng Bank/ Bank of East Asia



Attachment List of Directors and Their Roles and Fuctions